
What & Why?

Ahimsa is a term meaning to do no harm (literally: the avoidance of violence – himsa). The word is derived from the Sanskrit root hims – to strike; himsa is injury or harm, a-himsa is the opposite of this, i.e. non harming or nonviolence. (Wikipedia)

For a long time now, I have been extremely passionate about nature/environment conservation and animal rights. I believe that Humans are the most evolved of all species on this planet. Yet, I am crestfallen to see the magnitude of destruction caused by humans. There is no misgiving that human development has resulted in incalculable devastation of the environment. Human activities on the planet continue to corrupt the natural environment in many ways. Some of the principal problems now affecting the world are overpopulation, acid rain, air pollution, global warming, hazardous waste, ozone depletion, smog, water pollution, and rain forest destruction. The unquestionable reality is that all these problems are the consequence of human development and actions.

Human Actions Destroying Ecosystems - Environment destruction caused by humans includes conversion of forest land to agriculture, urban spread out, infrastructure development, and other changes to the characteristics of land. Desertification, deforestation, and coral reef degradation are types of habitat destruction. We have been destroying ecosystems not only the in land and air, but also in water. Humans have been depleting fish stocks not just for decades but for many centuries. This finding is based on a new historical survey undertaken by marine scientists and presented at a conference in Canada. What that means is that not only a few marine species have gone extinct, but entire marine ecosystems may have been depleted beyond recovery.

Human Actions Affecting Humans Themselves - Environmental degradation is perilous to humans as well. Many of the pollutants discharged into the atmosphere degrade the air quality standards and some of these evils produce serious health issues for people living on the planet. The problems of the planet can no longer be ignored and the time has come for the world to develop a combined approach to deal with its problems from a global perspective.

Is There Any Hope? Precious resources have already been depleted due to overconsumption in the past, and the magnificent trees which once graced the earth can only be restored over a period longer than humans may be able to survive. So many species have gone extinct as a direct result of human activities. So many more are on the verge of extinction. We humans don’t even think about how our actions affect other species. Being so evolved and having developed so many technologies for our convenience, why are we still suffering a lot? Haven’t we made everything to make our life so much better? But still, there are millions of people who don’t even have access to basic needs of life. Have we “progressed” so far that the results of our actions have become irreversible? I believe that the results of some of our actions are irreversible. But there is still a lot which we can do to stop further degradation of our environment. Unless we decrease our population (not just the rate of growth, but the actual population) radically, and treat nature more responsibly and compassionately, we are on a fast track to hell.

I really care a lot about nature conservation and animal rights, and wish not only flora and fauna but also we humans get a chance to experience a better life. I am very clear about the goal of my life. I believe that the time has come for me to dedicate my life for conserving nature/animal rights. On a personal level, I already take efforts to reduce my carbon footprint. I have been a vegetarian by choice my whole life. I don’t use leather or silk products as well. Since Dec 2011, I have completely stopped using animal products like dairy, honey etc and have turned vegan.

Until Next....
